DIN 19MN6 steel plate, under EN 10120 standard, we can regard DIN 19MN6 steel plate for gas cylinders and gas vessels. DIN 19MN6 steel plate are characterised by a good weldability.
DIN 17Mn4 steel are characterised by a good weldability. The user of DIN 17Mn4 steel must make sure that his calculation, design and processing methods are appropriate for the material.BEBON supply DIN 17Mn4 steel!
15M03 steel plate/sheet is one mainly of Steel for boiler steels.DIN 15M03 steel is mainly used for boilers and pressure vessels with elevated temperatures equivalent to EN 16M03 and UNI5869 15M03, 15D3 (NFA 36205 ) and ASTM A204Gr.B